My Word List -2

 Venal: Who is ready to do anything for Money

Venial- Pardonable, slight

Vernal- Appropriate for a spring

Venous- Related to Veins

Collation- A light meal

Oblation- "A bring towards": A religious offering

Prelate- A church dignitary

Colloquy- Formal Talk

Confabulation- Less formal talk

Obloquy- Abuse, strong vituperation

Prorogue- "To ask Before" - To postpone

Supererogatory- "Beyond the call of duty": superfluous

Sacerdotal: Related to a priest

Adumbrate: To outline, to sketch lightly, "to give a shadow"

Umbrage: "To Take umbrage" : annoyance, displeasure, resentment

Perfidy: The act of betraying someone

Impugn: To attach with words or arguments

Recreant: "Again belief", cowardly, craven, false, unfaithful

Miscreant: "False belief" infidel, depraved

Tergiversation: Changing the sides
