
Showing posts from May, 2021

My Wordlist-3

 Palimpest: Parchment Membrane Nonage: Youth, childhood infancy Unstinting: Giving Generously, not holding back Contravene: Obstruct Misfeasance: Act of doing Wrongly- Improper conduct in public office Autochthonous: Original, indigenous Bedight: Bedecked Paronomasia: A play on Words Parasol: A protection against sun Primogeniture: The right of inheritance by the first born.  Monogram: Logo: Combining of two or more letters to become one.  Monophobia: Morbid dread of being left alone.  Demimonde- "Half-world" Sesquicentennial: 150th Anniversary Triptych: A three-part picture Tercentenary: A 300th anniversary Trellis: Triple Thread Fabric Untrammeled: Unimpeded Quatrain: A four line stanza: Umar Khayyam

My Word List -2

 Venal: Who is ready to do anything for Money Venial- Pardonable, slight Vernal- Appropriate for a spring Venous- Related to Veins Collation- A light meal Oblation- "A bring towards": A religious offering Prelate- A church dignitary Colloquy- Formal Talk Confabulation- Less formal talk Obloquy- Abuse, strong vituperation Prorogue- "To ask Before" - To postpone Supererogatory- "Beyond the call of duty": superfluous Sacerdotal: Related to a priest Adumbrate: To outline, to sketch lightly, "to give a shadow" Umbrage: "To Take umbrage" : annoyance, displeasure, resentment Perfidy: The act of betraying someone Impugn: To attach with words or arguments Recreant: "Again belief", cowardly, craven, false, unfaithful Miscreant: "False belief" infidel, depraved Tergiversation: Changing the sides

My Word List-1

 Ineluctable: Inescapable Inexorable: Relentless= that cannot be prevented from continuing Solipsist: Egoist Serried: Crowded Together Regale: Entertain Lambent: Flickering Censer: Container for burning incense Immure: Enclose within Walls Encaustic: Method of Painting- fixed by heat Proselyte: "Come to, gone to" - One who has gone to other faith, a convert Apocryphal= "hidden away"- False, spurious, fictiious Sedulous= "apart from guile or deceit" diligent, industrious, assiduous Subterfuge= (h) Bahana, "secretely, underhanded" ultramundane - Situated beyond the world hyperbole: an exaggeration hyperborean: Far north, arctic, frozen Out-Herod- to exceed in violence or blustering Peregrination= A wandering through many lands Predilection= A liking, preference Circumambient= encircling, surrounding

Words Depicting Boor: A country rude

 Boor, Churl, lout, clown, bumpkin, clodhopper, hick, yokel, rube

Word Depicting Future Predictions

 Bode, Forbode, Augur, Forecast, portend, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy.